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IGES VDAFS STEP = Products = Entities Supported = TODO = Known Problems
Compatible with: SMS's NLib SMS's SMLib IntegrityWare's SOLIDS++
Neat Stuff
Contact Info: HarmonyWare, Inc. PO Box 2717 Midland, MI 48641
Entities Supported
- cartesian_point
- direction
- vector
- placement
- circle
- ellipse
- hyperbola
- line
- polyline
- b_spline_curve_with_knots
- quasi_uniform_curve
- rational_b_spline_curve
- surface_curve
- intersection_curve
- Treated as a surface_curve. Addition intersection information
is disgarded.
- seam_curve
- Treated as a surface_curve. Addition seam information
is disgarded.
- composite_curve_on_surface
- composite_curve
- trimmed_curve
- offset_curve_2d
- offset_curve_3d
- plane
- spherical_surface
- toroidal_surface
- surface_of_linear_extrusion
- surface_of_revolution
- b_spline_surface_with_knots
- quasi_uniform_surface
- rational_b_spline_surface
- curve_bounded_surface
- offset_surface
- vertex_point
- edge_curve
- oriented_edge
- poly_loop
- vertex_loop
- edge_loop
- face_bound
- face_outer_bound
- face_surface
- advanced_face
- oriented_face
- closed_shell
- oriented_closed_shell
- open_shell
- manifold_solid_brep
- brep_with_voids
- faceted_brep
- geometric_set
- geometric_curve_set
Entities Not (Yet) Supported
- point_on_curve
- point_on_surface
- point_replica
- degenerate_pcurve
- evaluated_degenerate_pcurve
- parabola
- bounded_curve
- uniform_curve
- bezier_curve
- pcurve
- bounded_pcurve
- curve_replica
- degenerate_toroidal_surface
- bounded_surface
- uniform_surface
- bezier_surface
- rectangular_trimmed_surface (partial support)
- rectangular_composite_surface
- surface_replica
- subface
- connected_face_set
- vertex_shell
- wire_shell
- oriented_open_shell
- connected_edge_set
- solid_model
- csg_solid
- boolean_result
- sphere
- right_circular_cone
- right_circular_cylinder
- torus
- block
- right_angular_wedge
- swept_face_solid
- extruded_face_solid
- revolved_face_solid
- swept_area_solid
- extruded_area_solid
- revolved_area_solid
- half_space_solid
- boxed_half_space
- box_domain
- solid_replica
- shell_based_surface_model
- face_based_surface_model
- shell_based_wireframe_model
- edge_based_wireframe_model
- geometric_set_replica
The STEP translator actually reads the entire file and processes into a
simple internal format. This format then analyzed to create the above
geometry entities. If you need other information from the file, this
internal format is completely accessible. Again, let us know what you
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